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John P. Abrams (1979)
Gavin Ames (Ames) (1980)
Lindsay A. Anderson (Ande…) (1975)
Peter Arrigoni (2001)
Megan Sherry Atkinson (Ma…) (2011)
Joseph Wood Azevedo (1970)
Nancy Bagnall (Howard) (1963)
Shannon Baker (1977)
John C. Baringer (1979)
Emily Batlan (1980)
Palmer Harold Batt (2004)
Dana Bean (Pierce) (1961)
Ron Beck (Beck) (1984)
Laura Beckwith (1992)
Craig B. Beeson (1965)
Gregory Bell (1975)
Kristin (Caly) Berg (Lynberg) (1984)
Sarah Berg (McCartney) (1987)
Philip (Phil) B… (1965)
Wayne Cameron Best (1986)
Helen Delgado Blakemore (1983)
Linda (Dini) Bloom (Layne) (1962)
Leanne Bly (Bly) (1964)
Susan Boe Hubenthal (1960)
Betsy Boesel (Reynolds) (1979)
James Bohn (1970)
Peter Bortel (1987)
Steve Bortfeld (1962)
Sydney Lauren Boyar (2009)
Sharon Boyer (1962)
Karen Brainerd (Miller) (1965)
Jonathan B. Briggs (Briggs) (1997)
Alex R. Britton (1984)
Curtis Brown (Brown) (1982)
Lynn Brown (Berman) (1962)
Paul Bueren (1976)
Ted (Theodore E. ) C… (1967)
Bill Cameron (1966)
Donna Cameron (1970)
Jackie Caplan-Auerbach (1985)
Jerome Carbone (1967)
Jeannette Caress (Caress) (1959)
Adam Carp (1993)
Herb Chan (1998)
Christopher David Chavez (1983)
Janet Lee Christianson (1959)
Susan Christy (Bottles) (1965)
Mary Lee Clyburn (Geissinger) (1962)
Cindy Colbran (McGuiness) (1961)
Robert Cole (1967)
Bruce P. Collins (1973)
Charles M. Conein (1969)
William Coons (Coons) (1972)
Kimberly Cooper (1967)
Catherine Cozzi (Shriver) (1974)
Tom Crawford (1968)
John Davis (1966)
Matthew D. Davis (1999)
Dorothy de Fremery (1970)
Jeanne De Mille (1969)
Maria Therese De Rango (M…) (1985)
Virginia E. Degan (Kynaston) (1970)
Jeremy Thomas (J. T. ) Delich (1983)
Megan Dickey (Lisser) (1975)
Missy Dohrmann (Klein) (1975)
Barbara Dondero (Duval) (1964)
Jennifer Dorward (1987)
Deborah Doyle (1963)
Gracie Doyle (1996)
John Douglas Dresel (1978)
Allison W. Durnell (Lindsay) (1979)
Alice Durrie (1961)
Lauren E. Eaton (Eaton) (2002)
Ken Ecker (Ecker) (1969)
Lisa H. Ellsberry (1984)
Robert Enkeboll (1970)
Joseph G. Enzensperger (1970)
Henry Ertman (1965)
Ilyssa Exley (1990)
Ginger Fahrenwald (Villanueva) (1992)
Paprika Gillette Fahrenwald (1990)
Marilee Fairchild (1965)
Jon Felix (1988)
Melissa Mary Fessel (2005)
Marc Fine (Fine) (1968)
Erin Margaret Flynn (1981)
Terry Ford (Kelso) (1962)
Hanneli Ilena Francis (1985)
James Fredricksen (1973)
Harry Friman (1964)
Lynn Arne Frisbee (1961)
Patricia Furman (Winkowski) (1966)
Betsy Gast (1970)
Bruce Gerhard (1967)
Patricia Gidley Ford (1960)
Bonnie (Babette) Gilbert (Anderson) (1961)
Nikos Lewis Gill (1986)
Kurt Gjullin (1967)
Carol Goepp (Robinson) (1974)
Allison Goldman (Bartik) (1999)
Joseph S. Gorder (1986)
Bill Grace (1966)
Barbara E. Grant (Retelle) (1967)
D. Steven Green (1959)
Forrest Greif (1990)
Jeff Grinnell (1969)
David Gunderson (1972)
Frank Guthrie (1967)
Jennifer Haddon (1988)
Ryan J. Hamilton (1996)
Karen Hanson (1976)
Howard Harman (1976)
Patricia Harvey (1968)
Libuse Havrda (1973)
Antonia Elena Hawk (Bailey) (1966)
Shannon W. Healy (1981)
Jane Helwig (Gootherts) (1976)
Susan Hengen (Guerrero) (1973)
Deborah Henry (1986)
Tyler Henthorne (1982)
Jeffrey Hester (1996)
Katie Hewson (Johnson) (1992)
Erin Hickey (Cofrin) (1976)
Dustin Hirdt (2008)
Mark R. Hoff (1981)
Michaela Ann Howard (2004)
Kyle Hutchison (1996)
Alicia Innes (Pearson) (2000)
Mitchell S. Jadot (1970)
Wendy Armstrong Jewett (1974)
Jill Johnsen (1966)
George Johnson (1970)
Jeffrey Christian Johnson (1986)
Kenneth Johnson (1968)
Pete Johnson (1976)
Annette Loraine Kearns (Kearns-…) (1977)
Tom Kearns (Kearns) (1961)
Pam Keenan (1970)
Brenton Kelley (1979)
Scott Kemp (1996)
Ronald J. Kesecker (1967)
Chris B. Kettering (1981)
David Kimelman (1974)
Judy M. Kimelman (1979)
Jennifer Klaif (York) (1984)
Christina Klumper (1986)
Marilyn Knight (McDougall) (1968)
Jonathan Knowles (1979)
Melanie Kohn (Dudley) (1982)
Robert Kramer (1982)
Ilona Kraynik (1971)
Karen Kuwatani (1982)
Jill Michelle Labberton (1984)
Shirley Lake (1967)
Howard Lazzarini (1967)
Steven D. Lecture (1966)
Gary Lee (1969)
Leslie Lehman (1969)
Jan Leonard (1969)
Jamie Levensaler (Jenson) (1973)
Catherine A. Lewis (B…) (1966)
Ariana Lewyn (Storm) (1980)
Linda Lindquist (Johnson) (1966)
Laurence R. (Larry) Little (1960)
Linda Long (Kemp) (1967)
John Loomis (1981)
Jocelyn W. Loring (Smith) (1992)
Fillmore Charas Love (1986)
David Lyman (1973)
John Mamlakis (Stanley) (1966)
Joann E. Martigopoulos (S…) (1974)
Melissa Martin (1988)
Joseph D. Mathews (1973)
Karl William Maurer (1986)
Colin Mc Caig (1976)
Sandy Mc Kean (1963)
Jackie Mc Leran (Timmer) (1963)
Shannon McCall (1982)
Kathy McCarthy (Cari) (1971)
Mindy M. McGrane (Sorensen) (1961)
Julie McMillan (1975)
Diane R. Meinberger (1971)
Cherie Mendoza (Parenteau) (1975)
Elizabeth Mills (1979)
John Minton (1993)
Gregory A. Mock (1972)
Ralph Mohr (1975)
Eric J. Moller (1973)
Marc R. Moquin (1979)
Jennifer Lynn Morse (Helgeson) (2003)
Bettina Irene Mortley (To…) (1986)
Matthew Murray (Murray) (1979)
Walter L. (Wally) Nagel (1965)
William Niccolls (1966)
Ric Nicholson (1969)
Josh A. Niederberger (1988)
Seth Niederberger (1990)
Leighton M. Norton (1967)
Mark Raymond Ohrens… (1975)
Page (Karen) Ohrenschall (Byers) (1979)
James L. Oldis (1966)
Eileen A. O'Shea (1982)
Michelle Lee Ann Page (Abel) (1986)
Andre Pardi (Pardi) (1988)
Alice Hillary Perry (Garo…) (1980)
Gail Dana Persson (Taft) (1974)
Robert Peterson (1962)
Lani Petty (Terrell) (1987)
Mary Colette Phillipps (1975)
Tony Pierce (1962)
Peter Pohle (1971)
Patricia Marie Pompeii (Glover) (1972)
Cynthia Postel (Schoonmaker) (1970)
Zoe Poynor (2013)
Jack Radford Preslar (Pre…) (1970)
Kathleen Proctor (1975)
C. Michael Pruett (1971)
Adam Rappaport (1990)
Hugh Reilly (1959)
Jennifer Resnick (2016)
Darius F. Richards (1960)
Darcy J. Rigby (Lee) (1975)
Everett (Buzz) Rigsbee (1960)
Jason Rios (2001)
Marc Robertson (1975)
Heather Anne Robinson (1972)
John Michael Roha (1986)
Jill Rotenberg (Lustig) (1979)
Robie G. Russell (1966)
Joseph A. Ryan (2005)
Katherine D. Ryan (2003)
Jane Ryder (Hitchcock) (1979)
Andrea Saal (1992)
Stacy Saal (1992)
John Sailer (1961)
Peter R. Schmid (1973)
Dee Dee And Marcel Schubert (1984)
Clifford Laurence Schwerdt (1963)
Eli R. Secor (1988)
Gabriele Seebach (1967)
Charles Willis Shaffer (1986)
Martin Shekell (1976)
John A. Sillers (1974)
Gregory Wm. Simmons (1969)
Richard Newton Simpson (1969)
Larry N. Slate (1978)
Brian Steven Smith (1974)
Sherron [Sherry] Smith (1968)
Virginia C. Smith (Broudy) (1972)
Richard C. Sohn (1985)
Kristi Somers (1976)
Randolph L. Sperry (1963)
Robin Dale Spicer (1975)
Margaret Stahl (2008)
Michela Stanley (Ohrazda) (1962)
Bill Steel (1964)
Kimber Sterling (Ster…) (1981)
Lisa M. Stewart (1998)
Roger Stewart (Stewart) (1962)
Mark Stokes (1978)
Anne Strathairn (1969)
William Niles Strew (1973)
Sylvia R. Stuerzenbecher (Buller) (1966)
Elizabeth Summers (1993)
Phil K. Swigard (1960)
Twinka Thiebaud (1963)
Mark Thompson (Thompson) (1980)
Natalie H. Todd (Whitcomb) (1971)
Cam Tripp (1990)
Jill Truex Truex (Miller) (1982)
Libby Truex Truex (Wayss) (1988)
Cecelia (Now Ciely) Tucker (1969)
Kenneth William Valk (1963)
Janice Vaughn (Michalies) (1992)
Scott Randall Verrue (1986)
Kim E. Walker (1976)
Meredy Walling (Novin) (1990)
Deborah Kaye Ward (Barner) (1969)
Robbert C. Webb (1965)
Barbara M. (Bunny) Weckel (1960)
Joe Weis (1962)
Joe Weis (1962)
Elizabeth (Mimi) Welch (S…) (1981)
Stephen Blake Wentling (2005)
Claude B. Werffeli (1982)
Christine L. Westergaard (1964)
Heather White (Tenore) (1992)
William Wiederkehr (1969)
Neal E. Winblad (1972)
Ann E. Zimmerman (Polansky) (1968)
Jana Zipf (Zipf-Rosa) (1977)
Dottie Z. Zuern (Smith) (1961)